Poster designed by Larry Rossignol

Get ready for the 9th Annual HerringFest Art Show!

Hornby Community Hall
March 13–15, 2025
Public Opening Night:
Thursday March 13, 5–8pm,
Live music by On the Rocks 
Catering by Hornby Island Pizzeria 
Everyone Welcome!
Viewing Hours:
Friday March 14, 11am–4pm
Saturday March 15, during HerringSchool breaks 11am–5pm
Art Intake Ongoing Currently (Details Below)
Physical Artwork Drop-Off: March 12, 9am–Noon
The Art Show invites Hornby and Denman Island-based artists to submit their original work in any medium. Works will be available for purchase, with half the proceeds to the artist and half towards CHI’s Marine Conservation work. 
Contributed pieces should respond to the overall festival theme of marine life and ecology.
Physical artwork intake will take place Wednesday March 12, 9–noon, at the Hornby Island Community Hall. There will be a shuttle for the pickup of Denman artwork on Tuesday March 11. 
To receive the online registration link and further Art Show participation information, please contact the Art Show Coordinator by email at [email protected] with the subject heading “HerringFest 25.”

Amazing Artwork from years’ past, left to right: Grant Scott, Reka Rossignol (@rawsgnl), Nywn (@nywnart), Mackenzie McLeod ( Julie Paris, Vass Eva