Thursday November 3: 9:00AM–4:30PM
Location: Hornby Community Hall
Led by Kathi Camilleri
Admission: $50 | $25 with active Hornby Arts Membership
During this experiential workshop participants explore their own, personal role in supporting the revival of the values that worked so beautifully in Indigenous villages for thousands of years. As a group, we also explore in‐depth the effects of Residential Schools and Canada’s Policy of Assimilation on Indigenous communities.
This workshop is geared to solutions rather than recrimination and is a great forum in which to ask questions. Participants in these often emotion-provoking workshop experiences comment that while they understood a bit about the issue on a cognitive level, after participation in Building Bridges Through Understanding the Village© they understand on a deep emotional level as well. The workshop is done from a non-blame and non-shame perspective and invites all participants to become a part of the healing that IS already happening.
The day’s program will include a shared lunch.